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California College of Natural Medicine -- CCNM's focus is on traditional naturopathy along with non-invasive energy medicine such as homeopathy and Qi Gong healing, integrative wellness, neuro-physiology, bio-neuro-hormonal health, naturopathic assessment and NeuroPhysical Reprogramming...

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Florida Academy-- We are Southwest Florida's Premier Massage Therapy School. Graduates then sit for the Florida State Boards and, upon passing, receive both a Florida license and a National Certification...

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Career Information: Spriitual Healing


Spritual Healing

Official Resource

Spiritual Healers Association

Short Definition
Spiritual healing is a systematic, purposeful intervention by one or more persons aiming to help another living being (person, animal, wplant or other living system) by means of focused intention, hand contact, or passes to improve their condition.

Expanded Information
Spiritual healing is brought about without the use of conventional energetic, mechanical, or chemical interventions.

Some healers attribute spiritual healing to God, Christ, other "higher powers," spirits, universal or cosmic forces or energies; biological healing energies or forces residing in the healer; psychokinesis (mind over matter); or self-healing powers or energies latent in the healee. Psychological interventions are inevitably part of healing, but spiritual healing adds many dimensions to interpersonal factors.

Some religious groups claim that healing is only good when done in their way or under their religion or beliefs, and that if done outside of these it may be the work of the devil. They may actively discourage or even try to obstruct healers practicing outside of their religion. I find it sad that within such frameworks there is no respect for the Bill of Rights that guarantees freedom of religious practice.

Sourec: http://www.wholistichealingresearch.com